Art Exhibition and Cafe

Isle Joyeuse is proud to feature an exhibition in St Mark’s by distinguished Jersey artist Helen Ryan. The exhibition has the theme “trees and angels”. The theme of Trees and Angels started last year when a team of artists worked with the Kings Chamber Orchestra to Paint angels for Ukraine. A few of those original paintings feature in this exhibition, provided by three British artists. We continue to support the needs of the community in Kyiv through a particular church we are associated with by selling cotton bags featuring the Angel paintings. These among other items are available in the café at St Marks.

The exhibition is running from the 9th-13th of July, 10am-2pm. Around lunch time there is also free live music from the King Chamber Orchestra in a variety of styles. It will be possible to purchase refreshments and light lunches from the beautiful café in the church. There are some opportunities for short term parking in the vicinity of the church and a very few spaces at the church for clients of the cafe.